Now, I have always believed in adequate usage of skincare products and supplements to ensure good a complexion. But on top of that, I would like to propose an alternative to prevent acne.
The simplest and most effective way to control your acne is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Yes! As easy as that! I can’t stress enough on the importance of nurturing good habits.
By leading a healthy lifestyle, I mean
1. Regular exercise (3 times a week , 30min to 1 hour each)
2. Drinking enough water (8 glasses of water per day)
3. Have a balance diet (Fruits & vegetables are important)
4. Appropriate amount of sleep (7-8 hours a day of smooth sleep)
5. Managing your stress correctly
By abiding to these 5 steps, you will experience radiant and flawless skin.
Through exercising and having a balance diet, your body will be able to detoxify and remove toxins inside your body. Having a balance diet will also allow your body to better absorb vitamins from fruits and vegetables.
Most people use up bottles upon bottles of moisturizers but still do not see significant improvement. Alternatively, by drinking sufficient amounts of water, it will help your skin to be moisturized from within. 70% of our body is made up of water. This is the key to having beauty from within.
To accurately find out your health status, do feel free to fill in the form on the right for a personalize consultation from me and a certified nutritionist. Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments section below.